

  • Me and My World
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...Introduction Taking care of the setting and equipment is an important aspect of any educational setting. It is too easy to do all the clearing up yourself, but much more educationally sound to teach children to do it themselves. Suitable...
...Starter activities Transform your area into a beach! Set up a parasol and lay out beach towels, sun hats, sunglasses, beach balls, empty sunscreen bottles and body boards. Create a rock pool in a paddling pool by adding rocks, seaweed...
...Focus Developing the concept of ‘if’ something happens ‘then’ there is a predicted outcome.What you need Musical instruments – percussion instruments work best, large pictures of the percussion instruments available and some simple...
...Introduction This activity requires iPads or tablets installed with the app Shadow Puppet Edu. Children can create simple videos from photos. It is an ideal activity to recap with children what they did today or what they did on a trip...
...Introduction This activity ensures that children relate to all the others in the class or group, by mixing them up randomly.What you need A photo of each of the children in the group A photo of each adult playing the gameBefore you start...
...Introduction Traditional games are in danger of being lost if they are not introduced to very young children at home and in early years settings. Many of these traditional games encourage listening and sound discrimination, and others can...
...Introduction In this simple game, children will practise making expressions and reading these in others.What you need A space in front of a door, maybe your home corner door or the door to your room or a cupboard Feelings Faces cards –...
...Introduction Children find apologizing a very difficult skill to learn. Practising this during a story that involves someone else can often help, but needs to be reinforced in many different ways.What you need A large puppet, soft toy...
...Starter activities Introduce the Diwali festival to the children. Read Diwali themed picture books such as Diwali by Roger Priddy. Set up a Rangoli craft activity by printing out Diwali Rangoli pattern outlines onto card. The children can...
...Introduction All children need a secure, safe loving environment for their brains to thrive. Externalising these feelings gives young children an opportunity to practice being loving to another person. This starts at home, but good...