

  • Move confidently
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...Introduction Go outside on a wet day and use chalk to draw some shapes on the ground. The colours of the chalk will show up more vividly in the water. Invite children to run around the space freely, jumping inside the different shapes. Make...
...What you need tracing paper (or greaseproof paper, which is cheaper) soft pencils, felt pens comics and children’s magazines simple clip art cooking oil and cotton balls paper clips cellophaneWhat you do Tracing is another traditional...
...Group size You need at least ten children for this activityWhat you need None neededHow to play Split the children into two teams. The teams stand facing each other and, after a count of three, have the option of choosing from three...
...Introduction Children will love having their own dance studio and the opportunity to use props to create and record their own dance routines, either on their own or with a group of friends. Use a video recorder to capture...
...What you need a small blanket (not a parachute) a bucket teddies and other soft toys small balls (sponge/plastic)What you do Choose two children to hold the blanket and two more to hold the bucket. They need to stand near the parachute, one...
...What you need plastic pipettes, droppers and syringes food colouring plastic beakers and other transparent containersWhat you do Droppers, pipettes, syringes and other sorts of tubes help children to control their fine movements while...
...Group size AnyWhat you need A broomstick handle (or a PE hoop)How to play Form a circle, facing inwards. A practitioner stands in the centre of the circle holding a short broomstick upright on the ground by resting the palm of their hand...
...What you need hand drills an auger chunks of wood, parts of tree trunks sawn off are ideal (only needed if you are using an auger) drill pieces pieces of wood/old bed slats thick enough to drill a hole into G clamps tablesWhat you do Before...
...What you need magnets, magnet tape string and wool paper and thin plastic (from tough carrier bags) paper clips washers, small toys, sequins, ring pulls small sieves, nets, tea strainers green garden sticks or short bamboo canes for fishing...
...Group size 5+ players per teamWhat you need None neededHow to play Separate everyone into teams: 5 or 6 children per team is ideal. Older children or other practitioners could act as facilitators and offer organisational help...