

  • Spring
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...What you need Fish shape templates and pictures Paper Crayons Cellophane Sticky paper Sticky tape ScissorsBefore you start Explain that ‘Poisson d’Avril’ means April Fish. Remind the children to be careful and not too rough during...
...Introduction Mother Goose Day is celebrated on the 1st May. It is a great opportunity to introduce and familiarise children in your setting with different nursery rhymes. Nursery rhymes are a great resource for aiding reading development...
...Introduction This activity is a great opportunity to talk to children about the weather. As the children work, encourage them to think about what clouds are, what the look like and even what they do. Talk about what happens when it rains...
...Introduction Use the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale to talk to the children about the nurse who had a pet owl that she carried around in her pocket. Help children to make their own baby owl.What you need Pictures...
...What you need a dragon’s head made from a cardboard box a long piece of fabric for the dragon’s body percussion instruments books such as Moonbeams, Dumplings and Dragon Boats by Simonds (Gulliver)Music suggestion A song about dragonsAction...
...Introduction This activity is a great opportunity for some outdoor creativity exploration. Children can create beautiful artwork using food colouring and puddles. Talk to them about the different colours they can see and watch them swirl...
...Introduction Go outside on a wet day and use chalk to draw some shapes on the ground. The colours of the chalk will show up more vividly in the water. Invite children to run around the space freely, jumping inside the different shapes. Make...
...Introduction Wildflower meadows are seriously declining, they are one of the most diverse habitats with diverse species dependent on these for their survival. They are also an important part of the UK heritage. You don't need acres of land,...
...What you need scissors glue/sellotape/stapler brightly coloured stiff paper or card approx A4 size stickers/pens/paint clay (air drying)/plasticine brown or green pipe cleaners (thick ones if possible) pink tissue paper PVA glue black paper...
...What you need Recorded music or access to YouTube – see ‘Songs and music’ A selection of tuned percussion instruments Long scarvesWhat you do Music makers Set up pentatonic scales (five notes – C, D, E, G, A) on tuned percussion...