...In the writing area Offer more big pieces of paper and pens, and encourage children to make their own mind maps of what they know about any topic or subject they are interested in. Provide the widest possible range of colours and sizes...
...In the writing area Offer a range of different colours, sizes and sorts of card and paper for making greeting cards. Try adding some papers with textures, borders or patterns. Add some envelopes of different sizes and shapes, or paper...
...Interesting surfaces large and small pieces of card squares of paper coloured paper – different shades plastic lids black or whiteboards transparent sheets perspex thin paper, such as tissue tracing paper wrapping paper long pieces of paper...
...In the writing area Put a phone or two in the writing area. Model how to answer a phone, talk about the sequences, let the children practise. Then model how to make an appointment and take a message. Provide message pads and jotters...
...In the writing area Provide chalks and boards for the children to make signs to put up in the setting. Use a whiteboard, a plastic lid or laminated card for temporary signs. Offer some big felt pens. Put some circular and triangular pieces...
...In the writing area Offer small pieces of card or paper for replies. Add some copies of drawings or photos of characters. Talk about ways to reply. Provide small plastic bags for waterproofing messages to leave outside. Make some stamps...
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