...What you need flexible sanding blocks off-cuts of planed soft timber in a range of sizes (for children to choose from) safety masks (for asthmatic children)What you do Let each child choose a piece of planed softwood and a sanding block...
...What you need small child-sized hammers rigid foam blocks large round head nails approx. 30mm long workbench (or suitable table)What you do Provide each child with a foam block, a hammer and nails. Model the activity for the children. Show...
...What you need block of planed softwood chunky pliers variety of nails (none above 25mm in length) woodwork bench with vice safety gogglesWhat you do Provide the resources and tools for children to access. Ensure that the large piece...
...What you need woodwork bench with vice pre-cut piece of planed softwood (100mm x 100mm x 20mm) cup hooks hand-drill and 6mm drill bit sanding block, woodworking pencil mini awlWhat you do Provide the resources and tools for children...
...What you need a mini hand-drill drill bits (4, 5 and 6mm) woodwork bench with vice (to hold piece of wood) large piece of softwood fastened securely in the vice awl (optional, for adult use only to start holes prior to drilling)What you do...
...What you need pieces of softwood mini tenon saw woodwork bench with vice carpenter’s square and woodworking pencil safety goggles and protective glovesWhat you do With one child at a time, provide the resources and tools for the child...
...What you need rectangular-shaped softwood off-cut approx. 150mm x 50mm x 12mm deep for the back of the chair a block-shaped softwood off-cut approx. 50mm x 50mm x 50mm deep for the seat of the chair sanding block masking tape hammer, 4...
...What you need a block of softwood claw hammer variety of nails (but none above 40mm long) woodwork bench with vice safety goggles (for each child)What you do Provide the resources and tools for children to access. Demonstrate how to safely...
...What you need child-sized hammers clay woodworking bench (or suitable table) small wooden boards (to place the clay on) small modelling tools (optional)What you do Provide each child with a medium-sized lump of clay, a board and a hammer...
...What you need 1 flat piece of softwood off-cut (approx. 150mm x 150mm x 12mm deep) short pieces of 10mm dowelling for the child to cut to size sanding blocks mini hand-drill and 10mm drill bit paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, PVA glue mini...
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