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...Introduction Have fun around Midsummer Day (June 24th) collecting different loose parts and materials to create a midsummer collage, inspired by John Clare's Midsummer Cushions.What you need Green fabric, felt or cardboard square Loose...
...Idea 1What you need Large sheets of robust card Paints, paintbrushes and paint tray Scissors Cable ties 4 poles Ground sheet Bunting and flags Shields Cushions Tapestries 2 chairs (thrones)What you do Decorate four large sections of card...
...What you need photos of people, clothes and pictures of clothes from the recent past a cameraHelpful hints Locating someone to talk to your group about their childhood clothes is not always easy. Ask around to see if any parents...
...What are they learning? Time is a difficult concept to teach, and these boxes may help. Children need to understand the passing of time; past, present and future, night and day, and sequences of events. They need wide experience...
...What you need Large cardboard boxes Paper plates Thick, short cardboard tube Scissors Cotton wool CushionsWhat you do Prior to the creation of the den, paint the boxes using images of trains as inspiration. Use the largest box to create...
...Helpful hints ‘Toys’ could link with: ‘Everyone’s special day’, ‘Keeping in touch’, ‘Going shopping’, ‘On holiday’, and to topics on ‘Food’ or ‘Farming’.Keywords old new collect museum favourite precious ticket label notice visitor past...
...What you need Images of The Cutty Sark and other sailing ships Balsa wood Corks Plastic tubs, lids and trays Lolly sticks, wooden kebab sticks Fabric Paper Scissors Masking tape Hammer and nails String StrawsWhat you do Show children images...
...Introduction Use the work of the sculptor Barbara Hepworth to inspire children to make their own clay and dough sculptures featuring holes and shapes using fingers, cutters and other clay tools.What you need Images of ‘Spring’, ‘Summer...
...In the writing area Pin up calendars and charts on the walls. Leave diaries and appointment books around for children to use as they wish. Make some little books to use as personal diaries or records of events. Print some weekly charts...
...Introduction Find out about Florence Nightingale, who is credited with starting modern nursing. Talk about Nurses Day on May 12th. Open a hospital in the roleplay area. Make a lamp out of folded paper for the children to use in their role...